
Duke Task Manager - User Guide

1. Introduction

Duke is a CLI-based application that helps you keep track of your tasks. This application is for people who are able to type fast and prefer keep tracking of tasks on their desktops using a Command-Line Interface.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Ensure you have JDK 11 installed on your computer. You can download the installer for your OS from here.
  2. Download the latest .jar file release from GitHub.
  3. Move the .jar to en empty directory.
  4. Open Command Prompt.
  5. In Command Prompt, change your current working directory to the folder containing the .jar using cd <Path of folder containing .jar>
  6. Run the .jar using java -jar duke-1.0.1.jar


2. Features

Keep track of your tasks

Duke helps you to keep track of various kinds of tasks (Todos, Events and Deadlines) and display them.

Marking your tasks as done

Duke can help you mark your tasks as complete through the done Command so that you can keep track of the completion status of various tasks.

View all your tasks

The list command that Duke provides can display all the tasks that you are currently tracking.

Auto-save and store your tasks

Duke has an auto-save feature which stores your tasks every time you add or modify them. With this feature, your tasks will be saved every time you leave the application. They will still be there when you come back subsequently.


3. Command Format

Words enclosed within angle brackets <> are the parameters to be supplied by the user. Other keywords stated are compulsory and they should be included.

For example, in event <Task Description> /<Remark>, event is the command keyword that adds an Event task. <Task Description> is the description of the event to be supplied by you. <Remark> represents additional information about the event to be added, like the date and time.

A valid input would be event Project meeting /Mon 4pm.


4. Command Usage

4.1 Add a task

Duke allows you to add 3 different types of tasks: todo, deadline and event. Refer to the subheaders below for more information on each of the task subtypes.

4.1.1 todo - Adds a todo task

This command adds a todo task to the current task list. Todos contain a description only.

Format: todo <Description>

Example of usage:todo read book - Adds a todo task with description “read book” to the list

Expected outcome:


4.1.2 event - Adds an event task

This command adds an event task to the current task list. Events contain a description and a remark (usually the event date and time).

Format: event <Description> /<Remark>

Example of usage: event Justin's 21st /Justin's house Sat 8pm

Expected outcome:


4.1.3 deadline - Adds a deadline task

This command adds a deadline task to the current task list. Like events, deadlines contain a description and a remark (usually the event date and time).

Format: deadline <Description> /<Remark>

Example of usage: deadline CS2113 iP submission /2nd Mar 12pm

Expected outcome:


4.2 done - Mark task as done

This command marks a task as completed. When executed, the task completion box of the specified task changes [ ] (not completed) to [/] (completed).

Format: done <Index>

Example of usage: done 1

Assuming this is our existing list:

Expected outcome:


4.3 list - Displays all tasks in list

This command displays all existing tasks in an easy-to-read format, including the task type notation [T/E/D], completion status and task details.

Format: list

Example of usage: list

Expected outcome (if task list is non-empty):

Expected outcome (if task list is empty):


4.4 find - Find tasks that match keyword

This command, given a search keyword, shows you a sub-list of all Tasks containing that keyword.

NOTE: The index of the tasks in this sub-list follows it’s index in the original task list.

Format: find <Keyword>

Example of usage: find assignment

Assuming this is our existing list:

Expected outcome:

Expected outcome (if no matching results):


4.5 delete - Deletes task from list

This command removes a specified task from the list of existing tasks.

Format: delete <Index>

Example of usage: delete 1

Assuming this is our existing list:

Expected outcome:

The resulting list:


4.6 clear - clears all existing tasks

This command removes all tasks from the task list.

Format: clear

Example of usage: clear

Assuming this is our existing list:

Expected outcome:

The resulting list:


4.7 help - Displays a help list

This command contains help information about all accepted commands.

Format: help

Example of usage: help

Expected outcome:


4.8 bye - Exits the program

Saves the task list to a local storage file in the computer and exits program.

Format: bye

Example of usage: bye

Expected outcome:


5. Command Summary